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CASCADIA International Women's Film Festival

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Beginning in April 2021, I worked as a PR consultant for CASCADIA International Women's Film Festival. CASCADIA is a non-profit with a multi-day annual curated film festival celebrating exceptional films directed by women from around the world. I created numerous deliverables and studied my client's branding guide so I could create the best materials for them.

'Daily Digest' emails
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These 'Daily Digests' are a few examples of the many emails made for CASCADIA. The emails were sent to pass holders and included information about what events were virtually happening on the certain festival day, the featured restaurant for the day, a brief synopsis of the movies presented, fun facts about the directors and more.

Other emails

These two emails were sent to the public to inform possible pass holders about pass/ticket prices, events and how pass holders can prepare their television or laptop to stream movies for the festival.

Public Service Announcements


Script: "With the movie theaters closed, have you found yourself scrolling through streaming platforms for a great new movie to watch, but can’t seem to find something you haven’t seen before? [pause] CASCADIA International Women’s Film Festival showcases films directed by women to promote women in film, the stories they tell and educational opportunities relating to the viewing, making and distribution of films. Please visit W-W-W dot CASCADIA Film Fest dot org, grab some popcorn and help promote the artistry and vision of women filmmakers. Watching films through a women’s lens."


CASCADIA visited Western Washington University and quizzed college students about their knowledge of female directors. Can you name more than 10 films directed by a woman?

CASCADIA Poster/Flyer

This poster/flyer PSA highlights the lack of female directors in film. CASCADIA works to educate, promote and showcase films directed by women, in hopes that the number of highest-grossing films directed by a female can grow.

CASCADIA Facebook Social Media Posts



These three social media posts are examples of what CASCADIA can use for their Facebook account. The examples follow social media trends that connect with CASCADIA and showcase CASCADIA festival films and directors.

Blog Post 

A blog post about Tara Almond, the media communications consultant for CASCADIA. 


Since CASCADIA had to make major changes due to COVID-19, they added a new feature called Gather Town to their virtual festival experience. I made this FAQ to help pass holders understand what Gather Town is and how they can use it.

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